A downloadable game for Windows

The Book Keeper

Step into the shoes of a resourceful princess who finds herself locked away in a mysterious tower with nothing but an enchanted storybook for company. When the characters within the book magically come to life and escape into the tower, it's up to you to catch them. Utilize their unique abilities and traits to overcome obstacles and ultimately break free from your confinement. 

"The Book Keeper" is the third game project made by first-year students at Futuregames. The theme for this project was Once Upon a Time.


Keyboard & Mouse




Oskar Krooks - Product Owner, Game Design

Jennifer Borgny - Level Design

Viktor Andersson- UX/UI


Matilda Lindell - Characters, Texturing, 2D art

Oliver Britten Austin Pelz - Props, Texturing, Lighting, Trailer

Geena HellbergProps

Eddi Rukavina - Environment, Props, Texturing


Leo Asplund - Gameplay, Movement & Controls Programmer

Emanuel Dahlin - UI Programmer

Moa IsakssonDestructables Programmer, Sound Implementation


Tim Lindgren - Scrum Master, QA Engineer, Generalist

Julia Carnudd - Quality Assurance

Voice Actors

Atlas Werecik - Narration


The Book Keeper.zip 514 MB

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